Sunday, October 30, 2016

Reflection on Dating

Dating is a full time job.  It is a full time job that is difficult at best.  A full time job that can be mentally draining.  A full time job that might pay off but might not.  It is a full time job that so many people elect to participate in, in hopes of finding that one person to call their own.
I've elected to take this job and at times its seems like fun but at other times it is down right frustrating.  Throw your hand up and say screw it frustrating. But I have always vowed not to be that woman who become bitter and gives up on the chance of find love.
What part of dating do I like or despise?  I like the opportunity to meet people from all walks of life.  I like talking to men who I wouldn't normally get the chance to get to know.  What do I despise?  I despise first date, the unknown, not knowing if something you say will touch or repulse someone.  I despise the unknown element of dating.  But despite it all, I continue to kiss frogs in order to find my prince.  In my latest profile, I said I want to be able to lay down my superwoman cape and put my trust in one man.  It's a scary thought but one that I long for.  Being Superwoman can get to be tiring after a while!
In looking back at my evolution during dating I've come to realize some mistakes that I have made.  The first is that I date too often! I need to concentrate on one guy and give him my all.  The next is I tend to show my enthusiasm too early on.  I feel that it takes the challenge out of the courtship. But upon further reflection, this is a pattern that I have exhibited since I started liking boys.  This is my biggest challenge to overcome.  The next is I tend not to follow my gut feelings quick enough.  Many times from the start I have reservations but then I fall back on my understanding nature and give the situation a chance but ultimately the same reservation that I had in the beginning is the one that I fall back on to end the relationship.  Lastly, I tend to allow guys to hang on for too long.  I have countless guys who stay in touch and its with the hope that I will take them back.  I've learned not to take them back but I haven't mastered the art of cutting them off so it doesn't drag on.
Enough for tonight....enjoy your read and count your blessings always