Wednesday, September 2, 2015


At 40 plus years, its incredible to start to learn who you are.   When I first started going through my divorce, I was in therapy and she really helped me to get through it all.  I learned that I can not blame myself for the demise of my marriage,  I learned that the issues he has are his to deal with not mine.  I learned that I need to be healthy so that I can move on with my life.  As I travelled through the complexities of becoming a divorced mother, I realized that I was stronger than I originally gave myself credit for.  I discovered that my so call friends where not there and were quite self absorbed.  I discovered that my world was different, but that I would be fine ultimately.  As time went on, I made the decision to discontinue therapy,.  I felt that I had progressed well enough that I could go on solo.
You must understand that I have been going to counseling on and off since I was twenty years old.  I love therapy and see nothing wrong with it.  In fact, I commend people, especially men for taking the initiative to better themselves.
Well I discontinued therapy but I decided to start going again this year after a one year break.  I decided to try a new therapist.  My old therapist was Jewish and about my age.  My current therapist if African American and possibly a little older than I.  It has been interesting to say the least.  She gets me and that counts to me. With her I have managed to have several AHA moments.  Oprah would be so proud!  I've realized that I have a cycle that I tend to follow when it comes to men.  That cycle allows me to hoover between two men.  It allows me to stay in limbo until a final decision is made.  I realize that currently, I am getting ready to repeat the same cycle again, but knowing is half the battle right ?
So, here begins my vision of my future!!!!!